
The NextJS boilerplate with all the stuff you need to get your product in front of customers. From idea to production in 5 minutes.



About ShipFast

ShipFast is a NextJS template designed for startups to quickly build SaaS, AI tools, or other web applications and earn their first profit swiftly.

Advantages of ShipFast

  • Save time: ShipFast provides a comprehensive codebase for key functions such as user authentication, payment processing, email sending, database management, SEO, etc., reducing startup time to just a few days without building from scratch.
  • Avoid headaches: It tackles common development issues like emails being marked as spam or handling Stripe subscriptions, letting users focus on product development.
  • Quickly Earning Profits: With effective marketing tools and community support, ShipFast helps users launch products and become profitable rapidly.

Subscription Plans

Starter Edition:

Priced at $169, the Starter Edition includes NextJS templates, SEO and blog features, Mailgun email services, Stripe or Lemon Squeezy payment integrations, MongoDB or Supabase databases, Google Oauth and Magic Link logins, UI components and animations, ChatGPT tips, Discord communities, leaderboards, and lifetime updates.

All-in-one Version:

Priced at $199, this plan includes all features of the Starter Edition with additional advanced features.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does ShipFast include?
ShipFast includes NextJS templates, documentation, Discord communities, and more to assist in rapid application development.
Does ShipFast support JavaScript or TypeScript?
Yes, ShipFast supports both JavaScript and TypeScript, allowing users to choose their preferred language.
Can I use ShipFast if my tech stack is different from ShipFast?
Yes, as long as the user is familiar with React and NextJS, they can use ShipFast and replace libraries as needed.
What sets ShipFast apart from other templates?
ShipFast is a complete solution that not only provides templates but also aids in the quick building and launching of products.
Are there any other costs associated with ShipFast?
Besides the subscription fee, users may need to pay for hosting and database services, although many platforms offer free plans.
How is ShipFast updated?
ShipFast is regularly updated to provide users with access to the latest features and bug fixes.
Can I get a refund?
Once the user has obtained the code library, ShipFast does not offer refunds.


ShipFast boasts a large user base, with many successfully launching products and generating revenue after utilizing ShipFast. It is an excellent tool for rapidly launching startups.

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